Three different types of Python data containers.

Nwachi Felix Ogbonna
2 min readNov 6, 2021


The different types of python data structures, which I refer to as containers are discussed briefly below:

Lists are one of pythons most powerful data containers always available to both new and seasoned programmers that facilitates important concepts in programming. Lists are called container in python because it is used to store multiple data sets at the same.

When it comes to other languages, lists are compared to arrays. Items in a list do not have to be related in any particular way, and since it contains more than one items or elements, it is usually advised that you name your lists in the plural forms like “cities, names, and languages” etc. Lists are represented in square brackets and individual items are separated by commas.

Another python data container is dictionary. Elements in dictionaries are unordered and are written in curly brackets with key-value pairs relationships. Every key is connected to a value and you can use a key to fetch the value associated with that key.

Compared to Lists and Dictionaries, Sets are relatively new in the python data collection type. It is also unordered like dictionaries with unique and immutable objects that supports operations related to mathematical set theory. Sets do not allow the duplicate of elements and used mostly to prevent duplicate values.

The differences between these types of python data containers are: while Lists are ordered collection Sets and Dictionaries are unordered. And dictionary is further differentiated from set in that, it stores data in key-value pairs.

Lists are mutable. Sets are also mutable but has no duplicate element. Dictionaries are mutable and keys do not allow for any duplicate. Lists are declared in square brackets, Sets, in curly brackets and Dictionaries in curly brackets in form of key-value pairs.

In lists, we use the append() method to add individual elements to the end of the arrays while in Sets, the add() method is used to add a particular element to the set. We modify elements in the dictionaries with the specific key-vale pairs.

The pop() method are used in the three data containers. In lists, pop() method removes an element in a particular location and returns it for use subsequently. While in Sets, the pop() method removes an item in a random way. In dictionaries, pop() method removes a specific item.

Finally, for this piece, we use the sort() to sort elements in a list in particular ascending or descending order. Sets do not allow the sort() method because elements in set are unordered. We use sort() method to sort keys in dictionaries.



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